Weekend Warriors = Weekday Worriers _ The Effect of Alcohol on Mental Health

As it’s Friday and the weekend is almost upon us I wanted to talk about alcohol and mental health by sharing some of my personal story and the reasons why I made the decision to stop drinking alcohol nearly 18 months ago.

Throughout my teens and twenties I LOVED going out and partying; I lived for it for a long time but the weekdays in between were not so easy to navigate. 

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Blue Monday and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Blue Monday : the most depressing day of the year… ?

How are you feeling today? 

Do you relate? I used to … 

January was the worst time of year for me, after all the excessive drinking and eating over the Christmas period and the emotional energy needed to navigate all the social functions and celebrations, the months January through to March would stretch ahead of me like one long dark tunnel. I had to really dig deep and get through the first part of the year before things started to improve as the days got longer and Spring began to appear. 

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1 in 6 people in the Uk will experience a common mental health issue each year.

I have first hand experience of living with anxiety and anxiety based depression; to be frank it can be lonely and utterly exhausting.

It is through my recovery and subsequent Hypno-Psychotherapy training, that I discovered just how beneficial and transformative hypnotherapy can be….

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